Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What We'll Miss and What We Miss

There's less than a month left before we get home from this journey. So, list time!

Things I Will Probably Miss About Las Vegas

- No open-container laws
- having access to a hot tub
- that distinct casino smell, a mix of booze and cigarettes and broken dreams
- maid service once a week
- the incredibly tall monolith buildings that I am still in awe of
- Fremont street and the Heart Attack Grill
- dollar beers at crappy bars
- Ass Juice
- how fast one dries off after getting out of the pool or the shower, or after sweating
- strangely, my job, and I guess the sense that I'm actually doing some good with my job by raising money for charities (Pam concurs, respectively)
- Palermo's Pizza
- Jack-in-the-Box and Raising Cane's Chicken
- cheap buffets
- food shopping
- the friendly folk at the front desk
- a free gym membership, basically
- the sounds (the general cacophony) of a Las Vegas casino and hotel
- and of course, this goes without saying - living with Pam

Things I Miss From Back Home

- Chloe (Pam says can I put Murphy and Fifi as well. Of course!)
- playing softball on Tuesdays
- walking to McNally's in my slippers
- rain, or at least the occasional precipitation
- the Laf
- Wawa sandwiches and iced tea
- driving, especially on the Expressway at night on the way to Center City
- Phillies games (even if they are doing badly), and tailgating
- Pam's apartment (and the queen sized bed)
- all the events we've missed and been bummed out about missing
- McGillan's and the Irish Pub
- Dunkin Donuts being in close proximity to pretty much everywhere
- concerts of music that we would actual enjoy and aren't Pauly D, poolside
- Wildwood, and in general beaches that aren't horribly trashy
- cheesesteaks, pretzels, water ice, duh
- grass and lawns and deciduous / coniferous trees (i.e. not fake palm trees)
- having a reason to buy a keg
- Baby Baluga (the ol' baby blue Camry)
- the funky smell of the Broad Street Line
- house parties (especially as some of my best friends moved into a house together pretty much the day we moved away, and I have a lot of catching up to do)
- going on runs through Burholme and the graveyard
- being proud of the city I live in
- and of course, this goes without saying - all our family and friends that we miss so damn much

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Last Few Days... So, Pretty Much Just Saturday

Let's talk a little bit about the past six days. Let's call it the "Calm Before the Storm." The Calm because, well, we didn't really do a whole lot the past six days, and The Storm because, well, we have guests coming this weekend and I can only assume it's going to be the BEST TIME EVER.

But let's talk about what we've been up to. We can start with Saturday, because that's the only one I remember in vivid detail right now, and I don't feel like stopping the writing right now to try to remember what the heck else we did.

Saturday was supposed to be the day we went to Disneyland. So why didn't we go to Disneyland? Frankly, it boiled down to "we just didn't feel like it." But more specifically, it was a Saturday in the middle of the summer, and the crowds were most absolutely going to be ghastly. And to drive four and a half hours each way on the same day, only to deal with the crowds and the heat, it just didn't seem worth it. How many rides would we have actually been able to do, with that crowd? Was it worth the Disney-esque ticket price? Probably not. So we slept in.

And we had other plans, too. Because despite all those reasons up there for the chance of a crappy trip, we probably still would've gone just to avoid another Saturday of Nothing. One bus ride and two sweaty walks in the late afternoon, and we ended up on Fremont Street for dinner. We went to our favorite Cheap-But-Good-Food Non-Terrible's restaurant, the 777 Brewery at the Main Street Casino. They have a homebrewed IPA beer that practically bites, and I'm in love.

Then we walked for a third sweaty time to Cashman Field, where Travis D'Arnaud and the Las Vegas 51s place in this godawful heat. The promotion was Free Beer Stein Night. Minor League Baseball giveaways are awesome. We had two different groups of friends there (basically, the sum total of all our friends in Vegas were there, all four of them) who were sitting in different sections, so we split time in different seats every other inning and stopped at the beer stand each time. The lines were a little shorter than they were at Dollar Beer Night, and by that I mean there were no lines for beer. Good times.

None of our friends wanted to go out after the game, but it was only 10 o'clock, so we walked to the Heart Attack Grill - god, where else, really? It was seriously on the walk to the bus stop, though, and the drink prices are too good to pass up. Pam got a drink so strong that I smelled it and burnt all my nosehairs off. I, on the other hand, got good ol' Schlitz Malt Liquor. They even served it complete with a brown paper bag to cover it like the other bearded homeless-looking men.

On the walk of home, of course I dropped Pam's beer stein and broke it. Well, it became my beer stein the moment it shattered on the ground. Pam got me back by falling asleep sideways on the bed while I was doing the dishes (as I am wont to do at 2 a.m. for some reason), which meant I had to sleep on the bottom of the bed like the family dog. Good times.

So that was our Saturday.

The rest of our tales from the other five days can pretty much be described as "We went out to eat at ___ which was located ___ and we both ordered ___." What more can I say, really? There was Friday night pizza at Metro down the street, which tasted better than Secret Pizza but was way less exciting. There was a Sunday dinner with some nursing folk at Margaritaville, where Buffet plays nonstop and we still were breathing fumes from the previous night's drink.There was when I walked to In-and-Out Burger after work Friday (yes, burgers AND pizza on Friday, my stomach was not a happy stomach that night), and it was every bit as good as legend foretold. There was, I dunno, the pancakes I just cooked Pam before I sat down to write this?

Seriously, that's about it. A Calm Before the Storm, like I said.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

After the Weekend

Here is the first post of the day. Work cancelled my afternoon shift as well, because the phones still don't work, so I guess I'll post again.

And so we woke up really, really late Sunday. Like, you were probably just finishing up your Father's Day dinners when we finally got up and out of bed (time shift, remember). We called our fathers to let them know how much we loved them (and I also tried talking to my grandpop to do the same, but I'm not quite sure he could hear me). And then our Sunday was a day of rest, with the usual lazy-day trip to the Can's pool.

We did go out to dinner like we usually do the Sunday before our Monday grocery shopping trip, because we usually have no food left on this day (the last of the soup and grilled cheese was eaten at like 2 a.m. the night before). Our favorite taco place was an obvious choice for dinner, good ol' Yayo Taco, but unbeknownst to us, it isn't open on Sundays. I'm surprised it even stays open at all during the summer; their main clientele seems to be UNLV students, and that campus is absolutely dead in the summer months.
So anyway, it was closed, so I was denied my favorite fish tacos. We instead went to the other Mexican restaurant at the other end of the parking lot, which I guess is a chain, Cafe Rio. It was basically just like Yayo Taco, except it was more expensive and they didn't have beer. It's all good - the salmon tacos with dill sauce that I had were spectacular enough to make up for it.

Sunday night was an early night (relatively), because we had early, if not incredibly ambitious, plans for Monday morning. Time for another extravagant buffet.

The Wynn breakfast buffet was, like the Rio's Seafood Buffet before it, exuberant and delicious. I did what I usually do at buffets of any kind, and that is get pretty much one of everything. Highlights included a mini lox and bagel sandwich, a spinach frittata with marinara sauce, a buckwheat pancake with powdered sugar and syrup, a glass of mixed citrus fruits, a big country biscuit with warm sausage gravy (my freaking favorite). The only thing that was missing really was a nice hot porkroll sandwich. Soon, Philadelphia, soon.

This blog post has a lot to do with food. It's really making me hungry.

I signed up for an extra shift Monday afternoon at 3, and we got home around 10:30 a.m. In the intervening time, I did something I almost never do, and took a long afternoon nap. It was strange, and of course I had trouble getting to sleep that night because of it. Monday's work day wasn't too bad. I got another $50 bonus. This doesn't mean I'm particularly better at my job, it just means I'm doing what my bosses tell me to do. I'm doing my job, not even well, but I'm doing it right, and it's nice to be rewarded for that. In any case, those $50 will be put to good use. Roulette table, here I come. Kidding?

Monday night, we had our biweekly shopping trip, and then came home and had a nice dinner. Choices made for both were influenced by Pam's hopping back on the Weight Watchers train. I'm quite proud of her for sticking with it this time around. I don't give a darn if she loses weight or not, she looks great either way; I just want her to be happy. And no, I am personally not doing Weight Watchers, but eating a lot of my meals with Pam kind of forces me to eat healthy sometimes. So when we eat a light salad for dinner to even out with a gluttonous breakfast buffet, I'm very much okay with it. I need to eat healthy too, so this is great for both of us.

Yea, I know, two blog posts today and nothing really exciting between them. Hate to sound like a broken record, but things really are winding down. But hey, friends are coming to visit a week from tomorrow. Pam and I cannot freaking wait.

Last Weekend, More to Come

Seven callers got into work today at the call center, only to find out that the phones didn't work. Imagine that, a call center with no working phones. Unfortunately, that means I lost three hours of work at least (and five more if they are still broken by the afternoon shift), and my three mile walk total has turned into a six mile walk (again, only if I have to go back). Then again, I don't have to spend my morning listening to old people from Pennsylvania tell me why they have no money. Instead, I get to blog! Yippee!

I have some bad news to report. I never made it to Flavor Flav's House of Flavor on Friday like I told you I would. After my shift at work I started to walk down the street it was located, but it was a lot farther than I had remembered, to the point where I started questioning myself whether I had missed it or something. And it was devilishly hot that day, and I was sans suntan lotion, so I called it quits after like a mile down this road. Google Maps informed me that I was like a block away when I gave up, but that's okay. If the worst thing about my day was that I didn't get to eat Flavor Flav's fried chicken, I'd say it was a pretty good day.

The rest of my Pam-less day consisted of walking to Target to buy a Pizza Hut mini pizza and one of those sun shields for the windshield of Pam's car, and of listening to the Phillies lose, ho hum just another day in the summer of 2012.

Pammers got home around 8:30 Her official scheduled time is 11-11:30, but I can't remember the last time she didn't get called in to work an earlier shift, which is great because she gets out earlier. As is often on the menu Friday nights, we ventured out into the Vegas night for some pizza.

You can't really go wrong with pizza. Take all the pizza in the world and rate them on how good it tastes, and you end up with a bell curve. Most pizza falls squarely in the "Good" territory. Sure, you get the great pizzas on the far right extreme of the curve like Vince's in the Northeast and Charlie's on the Boulevard, and then you have the godawful pizza on the left extreme of the curve, like... *shudder*... Santucci's. But most of that pizza is just plain good. Let's say the middle 95% (good for two standard deviations from the mean).

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that, if we just simply wanted pizza, Palermo's - right around the corner - would probably do. And that's what we do most of the time, because it's cheap, it's close, it's easy, and it's good. But this was a Friday night! We wanted adventure with our slice of pie!

So we went Strip-ward to look for that adventure. The Cosmopolitan was our destination, where we very much did not fit in with the Friday night crowd, the sorority girls with their too-small dresses and leathery skin, and me with my beard and slippers on (kidding, Pam no longer allows me out of the house in my slippers). In the Cosmo there's an unmarked hallway on the third floor, and at the end of that long hallway, there's a little room called Secret Pizza. Because of the Internet, it's not so secret, but the place is not located on any of the Cosmo's directories, nor is there any signs pointing the hungry in the right direction. So that was pretty neat, finding a hidden gem like Secret Pizza. And of course, the pizza was Good.

It's tough coming up with fun stuff to do on a day off at this point, something that I've harped on ad nauseum in the past few weeks, so we gave up trying to find the essence of Vegas on Saturday and just went to the movies. Moonrise Kingdom was awesome and hilarious and very much deadpanned, as Wes Anderson films always are. And hey, the TGI Friday's next door had a buy-one-get-one entree deal for those with movie ticket stubs. So even though we try not to eat at restaurants that we could easily eat at back in Philly, it was too good of a deal to pass up.

Saturday night we walked over to a usual haunt, Champagne's, for, of course, some karaoke. We met up with a few of the locals, drank a few $2 PBRs, sang a few choice Motown songs, and just generally enjoyed the cozy and smoky atmosphere of the dive bar. I gotta say it though, nights like this make us miss home especially. I like Champagne's, but it just makes me pine for McNally's that much more.

We didn't stay too late, and on the walk home we had to step over cockroaches every few paces. East Las Vegas is disgusting.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What's Left To Do?

First, a few things about the previous post:
1) I feel like I really crossed a line from being clever in my writing to thinking I was more clever than I actually was. A lot of it came off as hokey and forced. My apologies.
2) There were a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. Pam fixed them right up, but if you read it in the first 24 hours it was up, sorry again.
3) The simile "like jarring notes in a familiar song" is totally J.K. Rowling's creation, and I neglected to give her credit. Please don't sue me, Scholastic Inc.

Next, I want to make a list of the very few things we still have to do while we are here in Las Vegas. These are new things, I won't bother listing the repeats that we plan on repeating:
  • Disneyland. We have a trip schedule for a week from tomorrow. It's about four hours away, so yea, it's gonna be a long day, but one that I think will be well worth it. It is every 23 year old's dream, after all.
  • The Wynn breakfast buffet. That's gonna be this Monday. Apparently it's extravagant and delicious.
  • Flavor Flav's fried chicken shack! It's right on my way home from work, so since I got called in to work tomorrow, it looks like it's on the lunch menu for me (Pam kind of insisted that I go alone).
  • Speaking of fast food, we still haven't gotten around to In-and-Out Burger. We can't move back east without getting one of their famous burgers.
  • Well, it's not really a "new" thing, but we do have two more guests coming out in two weeks. The guests are new, the agenda will probably be repeats. But again, it's like the best thing in the world have friends come visit.
  • Leftover from the last list: Madame Tussauds (gotta admit, not a priority but it's something).
  • We want to go out to a fancy, expensive restaurant before we leave, just for a treat. In the running is Sinatra's, an extravagant dining room at the Wynn.
  • Doing something on top of the Stratosphere. We've checked out the observation deck, but they also have a nice restaurant up there, and three amusement rides at the tippy top. We'll pick one of those two options, I'm thinking.
  • And this isn't to mention all the places we'll be on the long ride home.
And that is seriously it. Pam and I have such a hard time nowadays figuring out something new to do. Seriously, what are we going to do on Saturday? Is there anything? We can't be that bored in Las Freaking Vegas, can we?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Just Wrote 5362 Words About The Last Eleven Days, For Some Reason

Did you ever have one of those nights when you drink way too much, and like the cocktails and mixtures that you drank were not compatible, like we're talking of the one bourbon, one scotch, one beer variety, and it kind of all sits really uncomfortably in your stomach, especially on top of the seven extra large mozzarella sticks with globs of marinara sauce that you just, like, insisted on getting at the end of the night at some shifty looking diner right down the street where the waitress looks overworked and probably has a few hungry kids at home she's trying to feed from the paycheck on this extra shift, but anyway she serves you the sticks and they just don't sit right with all the myriad of alcoholic beverages you had throughout the long night, and when you get back to your apartment you just run right to the bathroom and just refund it all, like, it just all comes up in one big heave because you don't want to do it of course you don't want to do it but like it's totally gonna make you feel better, that sickly feeling, that feeling that's been building up all night, it's just gonna like disappear, and throwing up of course sucks but tonight, tonight, throwing up just feels like the thing to do?

That's how I felt about blogging this week. I didn't feel like doing it. I still don't feel like doing it. But every day that I wait, there's more and more words to write, and maybe it's just about time I just go ahead and get it all out, and then maybe I'll feel better.

So here we are. Joseph K. and Pamela McD., reporting for the first time from The Can's poolside. I don't have internet here, so I'm writing on Wordpad (too cheap to buy MS Word), and I can't listen to the Phillies while I'm blogging (but they're up 9-3 in the top of the sixth, and let's hope I don't jinx it Hamels won't blow this lead) so we're listening to Bob Marley instead (it's good poolside music when you're just lounging; Bruce is the only poolside music you need when you are actively drinking and partying along the water's edge), and because the internet's out, I won't be able to use while typing, so please excuse me if I sound a bit less academic today.

So without further ado, and hopefully without further splashes from that punk kid with the styrofoam noodle, here are the last eleven and a half days from our Luxurious Lives of Las Vegas.

Saturday, June 2nd, Or, Like, The Saturday Before Last, I.E., Club Time

Refer to this post for my first club experience here in Vegas. Note the time stamp. That's February 19th. Over three months later, I guess it was just about time for me to be clubbin' it up again.

Things you should know first and foremost:
- This wasn't a spur of the moment thing planned by either me or P.McD. It's not like we woke up that morning and decided to hit the fist pumping scene. This was a calculated endeavor, planned by associates in the nursing world, for someone's birthday, and I, for one, was excited to go. But not because it was a club. Because we were hanging out with friends. Friends are good.
- This was one of those few nights when I actually had to really give a crap about what I was wearing. Basically, the big red flag here was ABSOLUTELY NO SHORTS ARE TO BE WORN. You guys know what the weather is like here. I b**** and moan about it probably every blog post I've ever written. The heat hits like a solid 100 degrees Fahrenheit easy on a typical day, and then when the sun goes down, there's not much relief. But there's a lot of things I'd do in this life in order to have a good night with my Pammy, and if I had to wear jeans and thus wear a serious layer of swamp butt, so be it. Call me a martyr for a good time.
- There was no way we were going into this thing sober.

Here's where I'll give any nervous parental figure a moment to freak out about to what lengths we went to pre-club to make sure we didn't attend said club sober. (oh god what did they do did they finish a handle of bankers club before they left the house did they chug beers on the bus there did they oh no they wouldn't but did they like do something more insidious like popping pills like we saw on that one TV commercial where the kid snuck into his parents' medicine cabinet oh no what did they do?) What really happened was that we went out to dinner beforehand, at a brewery.

And the food and beer at The Yard House was awesome. The menu was pretty thick, and most of that was because the beer and drink menu was mammoth. You like a beer? They had the beer. We mostly stuck with the house brews, because where else can you sample Yard House homemade beers? Might as well drink them when you have the chance. We enjoyed both the bar and the booth when Pam's closest recovery room pals joined us for the actual meal.

Please note that the gentleman to the right has shorts on. At the club. He got away with it.

This was all at Town Square. Have I mentioned Town Square yet in our chronicles? Maybe not. We'd only been there once before, back when we checked out Coconuts. Anyway, Town Square is like the third big party section of Vegas. If The Strip is the first born (that's who everyone thinks of when they think of the Vegas Family), and Fremont is the middle child (special in its own way but like totally misunderstood), then Town Square is the baby of the family. It's gets all of Vegas's hand-me-downs and totally acts all holier-than-thou because no way will it be overshadowed by its older siblings.

Anyway, it's way south, more south than the most southern Strip hotel, Mandalay Bay, and if you are drinking it is only reachable by the SDX bus (see how I subtly alluded to my and Pam's refusal to drink and drive?). And it's a big area of shops and restaurants and basically your equivalent to an outside shopping mall that turns into a club scene late on a Friday or Saturday night, embarrassingly enough.

So we were there. And we left the Yardhouse with nurse friends and with full stomachs and with fuzzy states of mind and basically just walked upstairs to get to the Blue Martini (which, aforementioned in a previous post, has nothing to do with the Bleu Martini in Philly, and I insist on pointing that out again because I freaking HATE the Bleu Martini).

And as far as clubs go, hey, it was alright. First of all, like I said, we were with a bunch of people, all of whom were really nice. Secondly, we had tables and waitress service and six dollar Miller Lites, so that saved us from having to deal with standing around awkwardly and crowded lines of obnoxious patrons at the bar and twelve dollar Miller Lites, respectively. Third, I dunno, I used the same optimism that I've been usually trying to use in these situations, when I'm not really in my element but I try to have a good time and keep a smile on my face, and it usually works.

So that was the gist of our night, I guess. We did eventually leave that club, and somehow we ended up the Double Down, a gay club next to the Double Down, a donut shop, and eventually, back at 341 Can. Not really much to report, other than this. Is there Pam? She shakes her head no. Onward!

POOL UPDATE: The kid with the noodle is now slapping his (I assume) younger brother on the head with said noodle, while father enjoys the chaos.

PHILLIES UPDATE: It's now NINE TO EIGHT Phillies, which means, I can only conjecture, that the bullpen is stinking it up, yet again. And yes, it took me two and a half innings to write about June 2nd.

Sunday, June 3rd, Or, A Day Of Recovery, Or, Not

"Waking up is hard to do," sings the 90s pop-punk band Sum 41 that for some reason I really love, and they never sang truer words for this Sunday morning. Well, okay, it wasn't that bad, but ya know, we're getting older, and hangovers are getting tougher to deal with in our old age (cue 50% of our readership rolling their eyes).

Only a Capriotti's cheesesteak could cure this disease, really, and that's exactly what we drove to get. I wrote about this before, and I did mention how these steak sandwiches were not even close to what we are privileged to consume back in our hometown, but hey, ya get what you can get. And as far as hangovers are concerned, Capriotti's will do just fine. 

Also: they are one of the few places that does not feel the need to add the word "Philly" before "Cheesesteak" on their menu. Then again: they spell it "Cheese Steak" in stead of "Cheesesteak." Then again again: I ordered Pam's Italian hoagie and actually said "Italian hoagie," and the cashier looked at me like I was nuts. Bottom line: I miss Philadelphia.

ANYWAY (man, I use that "ANYWAY" segueway a lot), this was our day plan, to eat and to recovery. Unfortunately physically and fortunately socially, some friends were coming into town, so that lame plan got shot to hell. Two old friends from the neighborhood were in Vegas for vacation, and damn is it nice to see some familiar faces at this point.

Honestly. We miss home so much, mainly because of the people that populate home. I love Pam and I love hanging out with her, but sometimes we'll be at like Gordon Biersch and we'll look at each and say man, I wish we had some company right now. So again, it was so nice having some familiar faces out here in Vegas. That hasn't really happened since the great Family Weekend of late April.

So we walked the Strip Walk - can we call it that now? - and ended up at the Mirage, in a lavish Presidential suite on the ninth floor, a suite that was probably about three, maybe four, times bigger than 341 Can. It was nuts. We got tipsy there around dusk OH YEA HAIR OF THE DOG YEA and hit the town for a bit, Pam and I playing the role of wise Vegas veterans. Ah yes, we should go to this casino right here because they have dollar beers, and oh no, we should avoid this casino right there because its crowds are outrageous, and hey, we know a nice little spot where we can polish off these margaritas right in this courtyard over yonder.

An early night. Chalk it up to jet lag on their part and drunk lag on ours. In any case, it's nice to have friends.

POOL UPDATE: The punk kid has now hit his younger brother on the head with the noodle enough times to cause the younger brother to cry. Oh, youth.

PHILLIES UPDATE: The Phils are still 9-8, somehow, in the top of the ninth. They have bases loaded with no outs. How many runs will they score? Over or under zero?

Monday, June 4th, Or, A Day Of Recovery, Or, Definitely

Seriously, we put our foot down. Today is the recovery day. It hurt. We both had work early Tuesday. It was time to lay in bed all day and watch The Sopranos (and hit the gym for a bit) and call it a weekend.

POOL UPDATE: The punk kid and the rest of his family are out of the pool. The pool is empty, so my computer remains dry. A genial neighbor just gave us a few Coors Lights, just for the heck of it ("Gee, people downtown sure are friendly"). The sun is pretty much down at this point. No sign of cockroaches just yet.

PHILLIES UPDATE: The Phillies had bases loaded, no outs, and did not score a run. "Will they ever win?" asks a hyperbolic friend via text.

Tuesday, June 5th, Or, Okay Fine Yes We Have Jobs

"Hey Pam, how many days left do you have at the 'Rise?" "Fourteen." That's the mindset here at this stage of the trip. We know how many days we have left. The end of it can't come soon enough.

But, like, it's not as if we don't like our jobs. As much as Pam hems and haws about headed to the post-surgery room in the A.M., I know for sure she likes her job and she enjoys working with the people she works with and she is satisfied with how things turned out here. And yea, my job isn't great by any means, nor is it anywhere close to life-fulfilling, but it's a job I am competent at and I can enjoy when I do well at it. I snagged another $25 bonus this week, and that's just for, I dunno, doing what my bosses tell me to do, so how can I complain?

At the same time, though, we're through with all this. A work day is not a fun day. We're ready to come back to JHN and [insert name of hypothetical place of employment for Joe here], respectively.

POOL UPDATE: It's dark now. There's just us in one corner and a bunch of folk in the hot tub, obviously a lot drunker than we are. We're not on vacation, so they should be way drunker, right?

PHILLIES UPDATE: Phillies win! Also, it just started snowing here in Las Vegas. Strange things happening tonight.

Wednesday, June 6th, Or, Let's Spend Time With People Our Age While We Can

When I first started this particular blog post, I at first was tempted to write a lot less than I am now. Because I started thinking: A lot of the stuff we are doing out in Vegas now are pretty much repeats - stuff we've already done and liked enough to go back. When we go to Terrible's to get food or go to the Double Down to get a drink, it's because that's where we usually go to get food or a drink.

But when we repeat like that, why should I write about it? That's the main question here. What more can I pontificate on the subject of crappy buffet food at Terrible's? Is there anything else to describe when we eat yet another taco at yet another Mexican restaurant? Do the folks at home really want another anecdote about a stupid generic casino we went to?

So I contemplated for a while whether to just say "[expletive] it" and, I dunno, maybe make a list of all the new things we did this week, and skip all the old hat, i.e. our jobs and the food we ate at Capriotti's and the casino bars we drank at.

But this day was the day that convinced me to write about everything. This day, Wednesday, was very much like a few other days we've already had in the past few months. We went to a pool. We drank a little bit. We packed it up and went to Fremont Street for dinner. The remainder of the night was spent at Fremont. A good time was had.

Yes, it was a day that we've known and enjoyed before, but yet also it was different in big and small ways. It was like jarring notes in a familiar song.

Our friends from Northeast Philly were still in town (not sure if they read this; in any case, I'm uncomfortable with the notion of posting anyone's name online without their permission, so "friends from Northeast Philly" they shall remain), and they were staying at the Mirage. Not sure if I wrote this before either, but the Mirage's pool is spectacular. It's in the same shape as the old Nickelodeon splat, complete with waterfalls and a myriad of swimmers relaxing and drinking.

So we hung out, we foursome somehow finding four unoccupied lounge chairs in a row, and smuggled drinks in with our official Mirage 64 oz. cups unofficially filled with beer from the ninth floor suite. Hey, man, drinks are expensive poolside. It's nice to drop a few measly dollars on a bunch of beers when the cabana bar adjacent is selling beers for like $20 a pop.

And no day at the pool would be complete without a subsequent night out on the ol' Fremont Street Experience. In keeping with the theme of doing the same thing all the time, we took the bus there. In keeping with the theme of doing things a little bit different, we took the SDX instead of the Deuce. The difference? The SDX half as many decks and half as much travel time. (I actually had no idea the SDX {The Strip Downtown Express} existed until after our first two jaunts on the Deuce; man, the Deuce is sloooow.)

Fremont was, once again, awesome. Our friends did the zip line (we decline - the first two times we did it were great, but, like, diminishing returns and all that, ya know?), and then we hit dinner at the Heart Attack Grill. Yup! I said dinner! Our usual modus operandi is to hit up the Grill for their relatively cheap drinks. But nay, on this day, three of us ordered a Single Bypass Burger (Pammy's Mediterranean wrap was waiting for her right afterward; burgers make her sick, and the HAG doesn't provide much alternative to the meat and cheese variety). Nary a one was stupid enough to order more patties than one. Seriously, the Single Bypass Burger, with it's huge patty and numerous strips of bacon was more than enough. Do people seriously eat the Quadruple Bypass? Do they live to tell the tale?

Ah man, Fremont is awesome. I love the party atmosphere. I love the characters with their KISS outfits or their lack of clothing, expecting tips all the same. I love the concerts happening on every corner. I love the hourly shows on the huge canopy screen above your head. I love the $2 beers at the crappiest and most fun casino. I love the bars at the end of the block that I actually feel could be my bars, like the Griffin or Beauty Bar or, the one we visited on this night, Insert Coins. I love all this because to me, this is Vegas.

And we made it home alive, so that's nice too.

Oh right! Also: I called out of work for this day to happened. First time I did that for this job. Totally worth it. (Hey, they actually expect people to call out a maximum of two days a month. I had never called out until this day. I think I deserve a pass on this one.)

POOL UPDATE: Okay, full disclosure. We're not at the pool anymore. It's three hours later and we're up in 341 by this point. The noodle is still floating in the pool though.

PHILLIES UPDATE: Last Phillies update too. Hey, Chase Utley is due back approximately July 2nd. I really doubt he'll do anything significant upon his return, but then again, maybe it'll give the Phils that mental boost that they so dearly need. They've still lost nine of their last eleven, ya know.

BLOG UPDATE: This is getting way too long. I've already crushed my record for the longest blog post ever, and it's not only halfway through the eleven days we need to cover. Sorry, readers.

Thursday, June 7th, Or, One More For The Mirage

Walking to work isn't that bad in the morning. It's about a mile and a half from 341 Can to [place of employment redacted]. What they say about this "dry heat" is mostly true. I don't sweat on the walk to work, despite the fact that it is 100 degrees out and I usually sweat like a hog. However, what they don't tell you about this heat is that your sweat pores are still wide open, and it's just the dry atmosphere that evaporates that sweat right away. So as soon as you step into an air-conditioned room (at, say, a random telemarketer center), you instantly are soaked with sweat. This is my Thursday morning.

But hey, I'm still getting that paycheck, so who's complaining about a little sweat?

Thursday night was another version of "Can We Please Stay In Tonight I'm Tired" because, like I said, we're getting old and can't handle our hangovers. So basically we walked to the Mirage for one beer - okay, maybe two - and for our swim clothes that we left there the day before - what, should we have carried them to Fremont? - and to say our goodbyes to our dear friends who let us crash their vacation a few times. We had a great time with them while they were here, for sure.

BLOG UPDATE: I seem to be a big fan of run-on sentences tonight. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Friday, June 8th, Or, JOE DAY

I feel bad sleeping in when Pam has to wake up early for work. Kinda bad. I feel bad when I wake up at noon, in any case. I do. And I feel bad as I get out of bed an hour after that, and make myself a big breakfast. And I feel really bad when I watch a little TV, then stretch and hit the gym for an hour, and then lounge about in my undies and listen to the Phillies play a little baseball (overstatement). And I feel bad just about to the point when Pam walks in, and then I don't feel bad anymore, because my weekend ends, and our weekend begins.

OUR weekend usually starts out real easy. Like, it's rare that we'd go out on a night when Pammy's getting home late from work. But we try to do something at least. So this particular Friday we decided to hit up a casino we hadn't been to yet. It was called Tuscany and it is located just right down the street on Flamingo. It looks exactly like every other casino off-strip, and the dining area that we went to looked the same too. That's not to say that the food was bad. As per usual with casino dining, the food was very good and the price was very good.

I got the Reuben sandwich. I always get the Reuben. I'm a bit obsessed.

BLOG UPDATE: We seem to be winding down a little bit here. Sometimes there's not much to say after you reach a certain point.

Saturday, June 9th, Or, ....Lake Mead

Now that I think about it, I'm not quite sure who filled our head with thoughts about Lake Mead. Was it one person, or was it a bunch of people? Or did maybe I read about the wonders of Lake Mead online or something? In any case, I feel like we've been hearing about Lake Mead for a while now. It's been on our list of things to do pretty much since we got here. Who wouldn't want to take a nice dip in a cool lake on a hot Nevada summer's day?

So we were excited that an empty Saturday on the calendar turned into a trip to ol' Mead. It was a can't-miss day of fun. Everyone that had anything to say about the ol' Lake assured us that it would be a pretty awesome experience, and that we wouldn't regret it (again, this could all be in my head, I can't even recall one instance of someone saying this).

So we drove to Lake Mead in Fashionette (Pam's car - do you still not get the reference?) and got there and .... it.... ugh.

Not good, folks.

Okay, back up. The scenery was nice. Look at this picture. It's just shy of being beautiful, really. So when we pulled up in the car, we still had high hopes.

We step out of the car. Winds intense. Sands blowing. But hey, this is not unnatural at a beach. Sand is always blowing all up in your grill on the beach.

This wasn't quite the sand you know and love. I'd describe it more as dirt. Look at the beach. Wait, let me retype that. Look at the "beach." It's a bunch of rocks and dirt along the water's edge. It's not a beach you'd lie out on to get a tan. It's the type of beach that you run across quickly to get to the water, and hope to God that before you get to the water you don't stub your toe or get peed on by a mongrel dog roaming the coastline.

We got to the water. We look back quickly. Our chair had already blown over in the high winds. All our possessions are in the sand. Onward. We step into the lake. The first few feet is sand between our toes. Okay. The next few feet is just pure rock. That's okay too. After that we step into what can only be described as mud. It was unpleasant. It was like, imagine if you were stepping into a lake full of pancake batter. That's what the ground we walked on felt like under the murky brown water.

We looked to our right. A huge rusty pier rose above us, and jutting out was a rust pipe with an ominous liquid pouring out of it. We looked to our right. A mangy looking dog was rolling around in the shallow water while mangy looking kids throw mud at it. We looked in front of us, saw the winds whipping the sand/dirt onto everyone trying to enjoy a day at the "beach," and basically called it a day. This wasn't worth it.

Lake Mead was a bust.

Hey! Even bad days are good, I'd argue. First of all, we tried something new. At this point, it's so hard to figure out new things to do, that even visiting the worst lakeside recreation center constitutes a success. Secondly, it's a good story. We were at this abomination! It was funny! Third, we were together. I'd rather be at a crappy Lake Mead with Pam than on the crystal sand beaches of the Caribbean by myself.

Fourth, I never thought I'd say this, but we finally found a place that makes the Jersey Shore look good. As much as we lovingly talk smack on the quality of the beaches and the oceans of Wildwood... seriously, Lake Mead made Wildwood look like a five-star, National Geographic-recommended beach. I love it.

We drove immediately home and immediately jumped in our pool to wash off the Lake Mead germs (and quagga mussels?).

Dinner that night was fiesta chicken in the crockpot. Pam and I are now like the King and Queen of the Crockpot. At least once a week we cook something in that darn thing and it always spits out an amazing meal.

Dessert was a power hour.

BLOG UPDATE: Pam is now asleep. I'm trying to blog quietly so as to not wake her. She has to wake up for work in about five and a half hours.

Sunday, June 10th, Or, Sports!

On the seventh day, God rested, and He apparently says we should too, but hey, not when the Phillies are playing a day game and you live three time zones behind them.

My parents and grandparents were in Baltimore for the big Phillies-O's match-up, and even though the game started at 10:35 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, we decided it would be a good day to wake up early and watch them at Lagasse's Stadium.

Yes, Emril has his own sports book here in Vegas. And it. Was. Awesome. Check it out:

We had our own little section to watch the game, our own TV and everything. The chairs were comfy. The food was delicious (it better be, Emeril). The beer was plentiful. We had such an amazing morning, despite the fact that 98 people out of 100 there were soccer fans who were watching a documentary about the two worst things in history (soccer and the Holocaust) in between bouts of European soccer, both games in which the two teams tied and soccer is so bad and ughdsufdsagsgdsagsanjgnfd...

Breathe. Breathe. It's all over.

We had a great time. Okay, the Phillies lost. So let's say up until the bottom of the 10th inning, we had a great time.

BLOG UPDATE: Wow, this is getting boring. I think it's because the few beers I had tonight are wearing off. I write better tipsy.

Monday, June 11th, Or, Woke Up, Fell Out Of Bed, Dragged A Comb Across My Head, Found My Way Downstairs And Had A Cup, And Looking Up, I Noticed I Was Late

Pam worked an extra shift Monday. BOO.

I cooked chicken and waffles (PA Dutch style) for her when she got home. YAY.

But really, Monday was all about finally getting to see LOVE.

Pam's been raving to me about the Beatles' Cirque du Soleil show since she got home from her Vegas vacation last November, so I was thankful that we finally got to see this supposed spectacle instead of just get annoyed when a freaking song from the soundtrack would pop up on her iPod.

I was not disappointed.

First of all, I love the Beatles. But then again, if you don't like the Beatles, there is something seriously wrong with you, so it's a given. So a show set to Beatles tunes is obviously going to win my heart.

But what blew me away about this show was just how visually explosive it was. My only other circus-type show I've seen out here was Absinthe. That show was all about the ten-foot stage, and the one or two actors that were on that stage at any given time. Your focus was laser sharp. With LOVE, there was action everywhere. Every which way you looked there was a character doing something funky or an acrobat doing something crazy flip or dance.

During "Help!" rollerbladers did flips over the quarter pipes while a dude high above did acrobatics on a 260 degree spinning platform. "Revolution" featured a battle between hippies and riot police between five trampolines and an obtrusive telephone booth. The opening number had people running through brick walls and driving cars and flying high on tight ropes and god knows what else I missed.

LOVE was a true sensory experience. It was almost overwhelming. It had heart, too. But really, did you expect anything different from a show based on Beatles songs?

Highly recommended.

BLOG UPDATE: Oh god, two more days, almost there....

Tuesday, June 12th, Or, Work, Because Tuesday Is A Work Day

We had tuna sandwiches after work.


Wednesday, June 13th, Or, Today, Kind Of

We hung out with some more familiar faces today. That was nice.

We went to Main Street Casino Brewery, and dinner was great, and their beer was great.

We hung out at the pool for a while, and I started to blog.

Seriously, guys, I'm really tired at this point. I've been typing pretty much the entire night, besides the minutes I took a break to do the laundry, and that one hour that Pam and I watched our favorite mafia show. It's one a.m. I'm done.

No one cares at this point. Did you seriously just read all that?

P.S., I'm not going to proofread. Pam can do that for me in the morning. I'm afraid that if I read it all again, I'll think I came off as too pretentious and delete the whole thing.

Friday, June 1, 2012

It's June

My promise: I will post on this blog more than once this week. God's honest truth. Though I just know you love waking up early every Saturday morning to see a fresh 5000 word essay, don't you? Here's another one for all you folks who either went to bed before midnight last night or went out and had way better things to do than read a blog post from two people 2200 miles away whom you've probably forgotten about. Kidding!

As promised, this week's update will be rigidly structured.

Saturday, May 26th, Or, The Day That We Did Nothing of Importance That I Can Remember

Seriously, there's always that day every week that I just can't remember what we did. Though, really, if it was something worth writing about, I think I would remember it, wouldn't I?

So let's assume that we did our usually Lazy Day Activities: 1) Gym (yup, I remember vividly following Pam to the gym, and neither of us wanting to be there); 2) Laundry (because I have like three pairs of clothes, so I need to do laundry twice a week); 3) Cooked something (this was our first repeat cookery of the trip, Reuben Chicken in the crock pot); 4) Watched The Sopranos (just finished Season 2 last night, and I think I'm finally into this show)...

Oh man! The Sopranos! Now I know what we did on Saturday! We finally made it to the Mob Museum.

Yes, that's Pam and I at the first exhibit, where we were the mobsters being booked (and yes, I forgot the camera and had to use my crappy phone to take a crappy picture).

We were in the museum for about two hours, and it was some fascinating stuff. We learned all about the history of the Mob, both about specific cities where the Mob action was the bloodiest, and about the national syndicate of the Mob that stretched across the whole of the United States. We got to see videos of sharply dressed killers with tommy guns, look at old-timey photographs of Las Vegas hotels and casinos where the mafia hung out, poured money into, and stole money right back from, and sit in the actual courtroom where the Las Vegas mafia was tried and convicted. This was some good stuff.

Sunday, May 27th, Or, The Only Way To Celebrate A Holiday

Sleeping in. That should be the first giant step in any holiday plans, and it was certainly for ours. Of course, sleeping in is different for everyone, so I slept in until about 11 a.m., and Pam until about 1 p.m. (and now Pam is reading this, and she exclaims sarcastically "Yup! I'm that lazy! Keep freaking blogging about it!" and her voice is cutting and she rolls her eyes and mutters God and turns her attention back to the computer screen).

A big breakfast. That's the next step. And we go all out for Memorial Day Breakfast here at Can 341. A big pot of scrambled eggs infused with melted taco cheese. Enough turkey bacon to insulate the walls. Pancakes stacked so tall that my Barbie's gotta climb it. Frozen grapes fed off the vine by bikini'd slave girls with palm leafs flapping and creating a nice breeze. And of course, it's never too early for a mimosa or too.

Next step is digestion.

Then there's the getting ready to go out. I totally could've blogged during those hours, but like, what would I have written about? The Mob Museum, I guess. Oh well. I played some Super Mario World instead.

Finally, we stepped out the door, and took the now familiar path to the Las Vegas Strip all the way down Flamingo. After the obligatory stop at the Stage Door Bar for to-go $1 Michelob Lights, we headed through the abnormally thick crowds of the Strip toward Señor Frogs.

Apparently Vegas is the #1 destination for Memorial Day. I'm not sure where I read that, and I don't know how true that is, but believe me when I say that we've never experienced crowds like this yet on our trip. And why is it that people walk so slow? Right, I have long legs, and yeah, I always rush to everywhere I go, and I get it, people that are here for five days instead of five months want to slow down and soak in the sights, but still! C'mon, people! Let's get moving!

We eventually made it to Señor Frogs. A party atmosphere is what we were looking for, and we found at this bar. They have one in Mexico too, right? Is that why the name is familiar? I don't feel like looking that one up. Anyway, we had fun there. Check out these rad pictures!

Here's the actual bar area. It's on the shores of Treasure Island's lake out front. Ya know, the one with the absolutely embarrassing pirate show that the Pussycat Dolls perform every hour on the hour? That one.

Places like this always have comically large drink portions, and Señor Frogs is no different. I got the "Yard-long beer." I call rip-off. Look at the thing. It's not a yard. The bottom two-thirds of the plastic container is razor thin. How many ounces? 24 oz., maybe? A 16 ounce beer was $6, and this guy was $15. One and a half times the size for two and a half times the price. I couldn't help but bring this up a few times to Pam. She knows I'm cheap.

But I'm smiling. Hey, it's a tall thing of beer.

It was the house draught too. And if we've learned anything over the course of the past few months, the house draught is usually PBR.

All the chairs had something funny on them. This was the only one that was appropriate for a family blog. There was another one that made it look like I was only wearing a thong.

They had a bunch of funny signs up all over the place, now that I remember, and I'm kicking myself that I didn't get a picture of it. It read: "Sorry Mom, you know I love you, but I'm not accepting your friend request on Facebook." I thought that was relevant.

After a great meal of American food (it's an American holiday, ain't it?), we went to our usual spot outside of Caeser's, an outside courtyard adjacent to the Absinthe tent that's strangely never crowded.

That's where we brought these awesome skull mugs:

That'd be a Facebook profile pic if I wasn't opposed to putting alcohol in my Facebook profile pic (anymore). Hello all potential employers that have found this blog! My girlfriend and I are of the legal drinking age and always enjoy our drinks responsibly!

The night was young, and we were looking for something exciting to do. I mean, we love hanging out together, but just sitting at a table drinking beer doesn't scream excitement to us. So, like bees to honey, we ended up at... you guessed it... karaoke.

Ellis Island's bar is home to karaoke every night, apparently. And by the grace of the karaoke gods we got a table at the crowded bar. Turnover between turning in your song and getting to actually sing your song was about an hour, so we stayed for at least an hour, and more. The highlight of the night was a really drunk Elvis impersonator doing a very very drunk rendition of "Jailhouse Rock." Pam captured the insanity on her phone, but it might be too much of one of those "you had to be there" moments to put on this ol' blog here.

We made it home. It was a great holiday.

Monday, May 28th, Or, The Day That Was The Actual Holiday

Oh boy. This day. I can still feel this day in the aches of my bones, in the pounding of my head, and in the curdling of my stomach. It was a hurt that only a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger from Jack in the Box could heal. And even then, I was just barely healed enough for this day's adventure.

Pam dragged my sorry carcass over to the southside, Mandalay Bay specifically, to see their Shark Reef exhibit. After waiting in line for like an hour (due to their computers crashing, not a long line, freaking technology right?), we saw all kinds of fish and amphibious creatures.

We saw snakes, sharks, alligators, that annoying fish from Finding Nemo, piranhas, those fish with the noses like chainsaws, jellyfish a lot scarier than the disgusting ones that wash up on the shores of Wildwood, tortoises that totally looked like Lockjaw, etc. etc. Mesmerizing, some of it. You could also pet the stingrays. We both declined to do so for personal reasons.

I gotta say, that cured my hangover.

Tuesday, May 29th, Or, Why Oh Why Did That Weekend Have To End?

Back to work for the both us. Pam saved like 20 lives, ho hum, normal day.

I had a decent day at work as well. The administrative staff gives out "Caller of the Week" awards every week. First, second, and third prizes of $100, $50, and $25, respectively.

Now, this isn't to say that the winners of these awards is necessarily the best caller of the week. It has more to do with processing than anything else. If you call someone, and it is anything besides a No Answer or Call Back, than it is a processed card. This includes anything from a Wrong Phone Number, to a No English speaking prospect, to a prospect that has Already Pledged, to a straight up Pledge or No Pledge (however rudely they tell you that they aren't pledging). You are expected to have 35 processed cards at the end of the shift to meet your quote. Bonuses such as Caller of the Week have a lot more to do with processing than it does with how many pledges you get or how much money you raise.

The week previous, I believe it was Tuesday, I was given (randomly) a stack of prospect numbers that all had six attempts on them already. With my seventh and final attempt, they are processed out as a No Contact. So throughout the whole day, I processed like 250 cards, which like quadrupled the expected amount of processing for one person.

Which is all to say that for a completely arbitrary reason, I received a bonus of $100 on my timecard.

"You better treat your girlfriend to a nice dinner with that money," said my boss.

"I sure will. How many Jack in the Box cheeseburgers can I get with $100?"

Wednesday, May 30th, Or, Only Three Days Until The Weekend

Poor Pam. She only gets five hours a week all to herself. Wednesdays three until eight must seem like heaven to her. That one day she has off while I work, for those give hours, she doesn't have to deal with sick patients or yours truly (who, let's face it, is kind of like a sick patient of life). God bless her. She deserves some time off.

Meanwhile I was wracking up those bonuses again, tacking on another $20 of what I guess you could call a kind of commission, except I raised like $4000 for West Point, so that's a pretty paltry commission all things considered. Still, it was one of those days that I just had a really good, fun time at work. The next day was awful, so I won't bother typing about that work day or the like $5 I raised for Miami Dade College, and let's just leave my description of my workweek here and end it now.

That night we made some awesome garlic and mushroom chicken over rice. Didn't even need to use a recipe, WE'RE JUST THAT GOOD.

Thursday, May 31st, Or, A Good Irish Meal


Afterward, we finally checked out the Irish Bar about a mile up the road. Murphy's Law was its name, and it was one of the best meals we've had thus far, I would have to say. Not even because of the food - I mean, the food was good, great even - but because the atmosphere just felt like home. It didn't try to be anything but a good clean Irish bar. The staff and owners all greeted us at the bar, asked us where we were from, were super friendly. It was practically empty for a Thursday night (though it seems like it gets packed on the official weekend with UNLV kids across the way). It reminded me of McNally's and McGillans. God, I miss Philly.

Friday, June 1st, Or, Holy Crap It's June Already, Time Sure Does Fly

Friday is Joe Day. I miss my Pammy like hell all day, but still, it's nice to just lounge around all day every once in a while. I do laundry, wash the dishes, make the bed. I get to the gym and get in the last run of the week (and hey, according to my BMI index whatever, I'm no longer considered overweight!). I watch one episode of whatever TV show I'm watching at the time (just ended Firefly today). And best of all, I get to just relax and listen to the Phillies, after missing the game almost every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday because of work hours and time shifts. And hopefully, that ritual includes listening to a win. Today it did, thanks to a few clutch hits (granted, that was out of a LOT of clutch hit opportunities) and five outs recorded by Papelbon (seriously, he is the ONLY one you can trust from the bullpen, it's pathetic).

So that was my day. Usually around 8 p.m., I start getting really antsy for Pamela to get home. It's 11 p.m. now and she should be walking in the door any minute. Yeeeeaaaaah!

The First Week of June, Or, Future Plans

1) Tomorrow afternoon we are going to sleep in, hit the gym, and sit by the pool, in that order. Then we are extremely excited to go out with some company, friends and coworkers of Pam's from the 'Rise. First it's dinner at the Yardhouse, and then clubbing at Blue Martini.

2) Sunday is going to be recovery day, because I'm getting old.

3) This Monday is all set to be food shopping day, which we usually try to coincide with my payday. However, apparently former employees or some people stole like thousands and thousands of dollars from my work, so hey, who needs a timely paycheck anyway?

4) Apparently some old friends from home are in town until Wednesday I believe? So maybe we'll be able to meet up with them, just to see some familiar faces.

5) Headed to see LOVE, finally, a week from Monday.

6) The Phillies, along with some family and some friends, will be at Baltimore a week from now, so a week from Sunday, Pam and I are going to check out Lagasse's Stadium, an apparently cool sports book at the Palazzo, and we'll see if we can spot and familiar Phillies fans on screen.

Miscellaneous, Or, Stray Observations

1) It keeps getting hotter and hotter. Ugh. Though, as I've said a few times, the sun makes a huge difference. And something I noticed today is that the sun never shines in our room (it faces south), so thankfully Can 341 stays relatively cool throughout the day (though air conditioning is still a must most of the time, duh). Anxiously awaiting the expected 120 degree heat.

2) Don't let them tell you that no one sweats out here. My shirt still gets soaked.

3) Forgot to mention that we saw someone breastfeeding at the Caesar's tent. Seriously, WHY WOULD YOU BRING KIDS OR BABIES TO VEGAS??

4) Hey, did you know that you aren't allowed to wear shorts to clubs? Is this a rule everywhere? Whelp, I guess I'm wearing jeans in 110 degree Fahrenheit tomorrow. (Pam looks up again: "God, fine, if you're gonna be such a pain, don't even go!" Kidding. She didn't say that. Especially now that I called her out on it before the fact. Writing blogs is fun.)

5) There's a ton of car crashes out here. It's mind boggling just how many we see on a day-to-day basis. One theory we were told is that it's because there's people driving here from all different places in the country, and with that comes people with all different kinds of driving styles. Some driving styles don't match up too well.

6) Just so you know, I've now gone four laundry loads now without losing any of Pam's socks. FOUR. NEW RECORD.

7) My favorite homeless man exchange thus far, as I'm walking down Flamingo with my Phillies shirt on. Homeless Man 1: "Hey man, tell him 'Go Phillies' and maybe he'll give you some change." Homeless Man 2 [badly slurring]: "... uhhhh... GO GRANDMA!"

8) Can't wait to get back to Philly.