Monday, June 25, 2012

The Last Few Days... So, Pretty Much Just Saturday

Let's talk a little bit about the past six days. Let's call it the "Calm Before the Storm." The Calm because, well, we didn't really do a whole lot the past six days, and The Storm because, well, we have guests coming this weekend and I can only assume it's going to be the BEST TIME EVER.

But let's talk about what we've been up to. We can start with Saturday, because that's the only one I remember in vivid detail right now, and I don't feel like stopping the writing right now to try to remember what the heck else we did.

Saturday was supposed to be the day we went to Disneyland. So why didn't we go to Disneyland? Frankly, it boiled down to "we just didn't feel like it." But more specifically, it was a Saturday in the middle of the summer, and the crowds were most absolutely going to be ghastly. And to drive four and a half hours each way on the same day, only to deal with the crowds and the heat, it just didn't seem worth it. How many rides would we have actually been able to do, with that crowd? Was it worth the Disney-esque ticket price? Probably not. So we slept in.

And we had other plans, too. Because despite all those reasons up there for the chance of a crappy trip, we probably still would've gone just to avoid another Saturday of Nothing. One bus ride and two sweaty walks in the late afternoon, and we ended up on Fremont Street for dinner. We went to our favorite Cheap-But-Good-Food Non-Terrible's restaurant, the 777 Brewery at the Main Street Casino. They have a homebrewed IPA beer that practically bites, and I'm in love.

Then we walked for a third sweaty time to Cashman Field, where Travis D'Arnaud and the Las Vegas 51s place in this godawful heat. The promotion was Free Beer Stein Night. Minor League Baseball giveaways are awesome. We had two different groups of friends there (basically, the sum total of all our friends in Vegas were there, all four of them) who were sitting in different sections, so we split time in different seats every other inning and stopped at the beer stand each time. The lines were a little shorter than they were at Dollar Beer Night, and by that I mean there were no lines for beer. Good times.

None of our friends wanted to go out after the game, but it was only 10 o'clock, so we walked to the Heart Attack Grill - god, where else, really? It was seriously on the walk to the bus stop, though, and the drink prices are too good to pass up. Pam got a drink so strong that I smelled it and burnt all my nosehairs off. I, on the other hand, got good ol' Schlitz Malt Liquor. They even served it complete with a brown paper bag to cover it like the other bearded homeless-looking men.

On the walk of home, of course I dropped Pam's beer stein and broke it. Well, it became my beer stein the moment it shattered on the ground. Pam got me back by falling asleep sideways on the bed while I was doing the dishes (as I am wont to do at 2 a.m. for some reason), which meant I had to sleep on the bottom of the bed like the family dog. Good times.

So that was our Saturday.

The rest of our tales from the other five days can pretty much be described as "We went out to eat at ___ which was located ___ and we both ordered ___." What more can I say, really? There was Friday night pizza at Metro down the street, which tasted better than Secret Pizza but was way less exciting. There was a Sunday dinner with some nursing folk at Margaritaville, where Buffet plays nonstop and we still were breathing fumes from the previous night's drink.There was when I walked to In-and-Out Burger after work Friday (yes, burgers AND pizza on Friday, my stomach was not a happy stomach that night), and it was every bit as good as legend foretold. There was, I dunno, the pancakes I just cooked Pam before I sat down to write this?

Seriously, that's about it. A Calm Before the Storm, like I said.

1 comment:

  1. Joe forgot to mention that Main Street also has an amazing mango hefeweizen that I could seriously drink every day. And for now it'll have to satisfy my appetite for mango-flavored goodies before I can get my hands on a mango and vanilla gelati from Rita's.
